Daraz Deals Rozar Bazar| দারাজ এ করুন রমজানের বাজার

Composition: Prize day at my school | Prize Giving Day At My School Speech

Composition: Prize day at my school | Prize Giving Day At My School Speech
Composition: Prize day at my school


The prize day ceremony (অনুষ্ঠান) is an occasion (উপলক্ষ) of great joy not only to the teachers fe and the students but also to the guardians and the general public. The school wears a festive look. On this occasion prizes are given to the students for their good results and proficiency (দক্ষতা) in different subjects. Some students get prizes for their attendance and some for their conduct (আচার আচরণ) Again some students who show special skill (বিশেষ দক্ষতা) in various games and sports and in athletic activities receive prizes.

Almost every school holds a prize day to distribute prizes among the students. The last prize day of our school was held on 2nd April last year on the school compound. We decorated (সাজাইয়া ছিলাম) the school building very tastefully. Green leaves, flags and festoons were freely used to enhance the beauty of the school. A big pandal was created (নির্মণ করা হইয়া - ছিল) to hold the function. There were two neatly decorated tables on which the prizes and t medals were arranged in proper order. On one side was a nicely carpeted platform from where the speeches were delivered. There was also a victory stand (বিজয় স্তম্ভ) from where the recipients received their prizes and medals. The president's chair and table were placed in the middle with lower pots (ফুলদানী) and bouquets of roses (গোলাপের তোড়া). The function began just at 10 a. m. The invited guests began to come in. The volunteers received them cordially.

The T. N. O. was in the chair. He arrived at the gate just a few minutes before the ceremony was due to commence. The students offered him the gaurs of honour. The Headmaster. some teachers and some distinguished persons (বিশিষ্ট ব্যক্তিবর্গ) gave him a rousing ovation (উষ্ণ সম্বর্ধনা) and conducted him to the seat of honour (সম্মানের আসনে).

The formal ceremony (আনুষ্ঠানিক অনুষ্ঠান) now began with the recitation (আবৃত্তি) from the Holy Quran. Then the Headmaster read out his report which showed all round improvement In (উন্নতি) of the school. Then the main ceremony began. The Headmaster called each recipient a by name and the president gave away the prizes. Finally the president rose to speak He Het delivered his speech. He congratulated (অভিনন্দন জানাইয়া ছিল) the institution, the teachers and the students. He gave the students valuable advice. The function then came to a close with the customary vote of thanks. The memory of the day is still fresh in my mind.

Prize Giving Day At My School | Speech 

The prize day at our school is a day of glorious celebration. Prizes are distributed among several students who have achieved excellence in different respects in that year. It is observed every year in our school. The day has a special significance for the students and teachers. An aroma of pleasure runs everywhere in the school campus this day. The school is decorated with flags and festoons. In the evening the attractive decoration of electric light arrests everybody's attention and creates an impression of a paradise on the earth.

Good morning ladies and gentleman, boys. Today we honour those boys that in 2009, achieved academic excellence. Your diligence, perseverance and hard work have paid off and this function is a celebration of your achievements. You have demonstrated that you have the qualities required to achieve. There are however many boys that have displayed similar qualities that did not receive prizes today.

A few years ago the then Headmaster of Kingswood College announced that the finest result in matric that year was an F-symbol school leaving certificate, by a non-academic girl. The worst in his opinion was an A-aggregate for a very bright boy who obtained 2 A-s and 4 B'. The girl's result was a triumph of effort on her part and skill on the part of her teachers. The A-aggregate by the boy was disappointing considering he should have achieved 5 A's and a B. I wish to pay tribute to all boys that achieved their personal goals in 2009.

It is a privilege to have the opportunity to address you today; I asked my 12 year old daughter about the reason why she thought the Headmaster had bestowed this honour on me and she came up with two possibilities. She said that....

1. Either, everyone else that he had asked, said no thank you or

2. Perhaps everyone expects you to make a fool of yourself; so don't disappoint them.

Well, the last thing that I want to do is to disappoint you. On the topic of what to talk about she was quite firm-don't lecture them - don't feed them spinach!

You see my life is ruled by three females, there's Mom, Meg's and Mary Poppins the Yorkshire terrier.


Prize giving day at school Paragraph, Prize giving day speech, Prize day at school speech, prize day at school composition, prize giving day at school composition class 6 7 8 9 10, prize giving day at school JSC SSC HSC, prize giving day ceremony composition, Prize giving day at school ceremony class 7

এই রকম আরও তথ্য পেতে আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে লাইক দিয়ে যুক্ত থাকুন। এর পাশাপাশি গুগল নিউজে আমাদের ফলো করুন।

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আপনার মূল মান মতামতটি আমাদের জানান। আমি শালীন ভাষা ব্যাবহার করবো এবং অশ্লীল ভাষা ব্যাবহার থেকে বিরত থাকবো। কৌণিক বার্তা.কম আপনার আইপি অ্যাড্রেস ব্লকের ক্ষমতা রাখে।

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